Eineltisáætlanir þurfa að ná inn í alla anga skólasamfélagsins. Til skólans, heimila og grenndarsamfélagsins. Hér er vitnað í úttekt á eineltisáætlunum. Eigi þær að bera árangur þurfa mikilvægir þættir að vera til staðar:


The most important program elements that were associated with a decrease in bullying were parent training/meetings, improved playground supervision, disciplinary methods, classroom management, teacher training, classroom rules, a whole-school anti-bullying policy, school conferences, information for parents, and cooperative group work. In addition, the total number of elements and the duration and intensity of the program for teachers and children were significantly associated with a decrease in bullying. Also, programs inspired by the work of Dan Olweus worked best. (Úr: Ttofi, M.M. & Farrington, D.P. J Exp Criminol (2011) 7: 27. doi:10.1007/s11292-010-9109-1)
Ttofi og Ferringtorn starfa við Háskólann í Cambridge og rannsaka mikið einelti, afleiðingar o.fl. og leggja mat á aðferðafræði.